Friday, 6 January 2017

Freecharge carding method 2018

  WaQas DaDDo       Friday, 6 January 2017

Freecharge carding trick

Freecharge carding method 2017

Hi guys, carding are all about using vulnerabilities for your profit. Today I will tell you, how you can card free charge with the help of Snapdeal. I think everyone know that spandeal partnered with freecharge and Snapdeal refund in freecharge. This all knowledge is the base of our carding tutorial.
This is not direct freecharge carding instead with the help of snapdeal but we can say it is freecharge carding. If you are new in carding or want to know more detail of carding read here.

  Why freecharge carding?

Freecharge carding trick

 As I’ve already posted so many tutorial of carding, so why we are now going with freecharge. Actually carding freechage is much easier than other, this is not only the reason to card freecharge but there are many other useful features of Freecharge. Following are some benefits of using Freecharge.

·        As a wallet
·        Transferable to Bank account
·        Whatsapp payments
·        Split bill options
·        Chat and pay

Freechage is also used at over 10000+ online and offline sites such as cafĂ© coffee day, Bookmyshow, Mcdonald’s and snapdeal etc, so you can later use freecharge for shopping too.

Freecharge wallet carding tutorial

Freecharge carding trick latest

As i already mention above that freechage and snapeal are partner. It is not only reason of choosing snapdeal, snapdeal provide refund when customers cancel their order. So we are going use these feature of snapdeal as follow.

1. First you need to place an order and pay with card i.e snapdeal carding.

2. After carding Snapdeal product, just cancel the order.

Freecharge wallet carding

3. You would get a message of your cancellation reasons. Just write any obvious reason like delay in delivery. After that they ask for refund in Freecharge. Just say Yes.

4 You will get full of your money on Freecharge
Now you can use freecharge for recharges, bills, shopping or simply transfer this money to your bank account.

Freecharge wallet carding  image

Tags:  Freecharge Unlimited Hack,Freecharge carding,Freecharge carding tutorial, Freecharge carding latest,Freecharge Carding method,how to card Freecharge easily with AMEX, Freecharge carding method 2017,Freecharge carding hack,Freecharge, Carding at cheap rate,Freecharge carding video

Thanks for reading Freecharge carding method 2018

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