Monday, 9 January 2017

Cyber war begins! Indian Hacker Hack Pakistani site.

  WaQas DaDDo       Monday, 9 January 2017

Cyber War Begins! Pakistani Airport Websites Hacked by Indian Hackers

indian hacker image

I think many of you heard how Pakistani hackers hacked Indian National Security Guard (NSG) website. The hacker even posted anti-India content and a profanity-laden message against the Indian prime minister. This action of Pakistani hackers declares a cyber-war.

Hacker injected ransomware

indian hacker hakc pakistani site image

As we are busy celebrating the New Year, Indian and Pakistani hackers were busy in the cyber war. So, in return Indian hackers have hacked and injected ransomware (a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid) on over three Pakistan airport websites.

Indian Hackers have claimed that they have hacked Islamabad, Peshawar, Multan International and Karachi Airport website:,,,

Indian hackers not only managed to hack the website they have also injected it with a ransomware which restricted them to restore the websites. Indian hackers have demanded Bitcoins in exchange of unlocking the websites.

As reported by India Today, Indian hackers told Mail Today that last time the money they got for unlocking the websites of Pakistan was donated to needy kids and this time they will not share the key to unlocking the sites.

One of the Indian Hacker told Mail Today “We have been closely monitoring attacks coming from Pakistan. They have been engulfed in spreading hatred and abusing India and government. We have control of many Pakistani websites and each attack will get a stricter reply from our side.

Cyber Experts believes that hacking airport websites can be used to get information about flights, which can have serious consequences. Leaking the details is also dangerous.

Kislay Choudhary, Cyber-crime expert, said “Indian hackers have only replied after observing malicious intention of Pakistani hackers. Techies across the border targeted Indian sites result of which NSG’s website was hacked. Such fights are common but now the intensity of attacks has increased many folds as hackers from both the countries are targeting crucial websites.

Comment your view against such cyber wars.

Thanks for reading Cyber war begins! Indian Hacker Hack Pakistani site.

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