Saturday, 25 November 2017

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How to get a Scala graduate position?

  WaQas DaDDo       Saturday, 25 November 2017
Ask HN: How to get a Scala graduate position?
3 by HighlandSpring | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I've recently been getting increasingly into Scala, slowly going from 'writing Java in a more terse syntax' to 'programming functionally in Scala', playing with Akka actors/streams, and exploring ways of implementing CQRS/Event-sourcing on top of these. Dropped the familiar Spring Boot and its 10 second startup time in favour of Akka HTTP (since all I needed is a REST API anyway). What I'm getting at is: after the initial pain period, these frameworks fill me with a sense of "oh wow, I really like how this is done". I can't help but love Scala and the ecosystem, I want to explore it further, dig deeper down the FP rabbit-hole, work with actors in the real-world. I'm now determined to work with Scala when I graduate. The problem is that I'm not seeing Scala Developer openings aimed at graduates. They all seem to be targeting experienced developers. I did some searches on indeed for 'java' and 'scala' in various cities and London's ratio is the most favourable so I'm already searching in the right market. My current plan is to try to find the time to put out a portfolio piece in Scala and apply for Scala positions, regardless of whether they're taking on graduates. But even then, what can I do to convince this company to take on a Scala newbie without an appropriate graduate program in place, when they could hire an experienced one instead?


Thanks for reading New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How to get a Scala graduate position?

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