For all android users we are here with a cool battery boost up method that is Calibrate Android Battery. Today most of android user had problem of battery backup as the battery backup of almost all android is not so good due to lots of running app on it. You can find lots of ways to boost battery backup but the best one is to calibrating android battery to its best. This will result in better complete charging and results in battery backup. So proceed with the complete guide discussed below.
How To Calibrate Android Battery in 2018
Here we have two ways to calibrate android battery, one way is using manually calibration that will be down without rooting your android and other will based on with rooted android with a app that will let your to calibrate your battery automatically through it. So have a look on these methods.
#1 Method: Calibrate Android Battery Without Rooting (Manual Process)
- First of all discharge your android completely until it turns off itself .
- Now turn it on again and let it turn off with complete battery drain.
- Now plug your android to a charger and let it charge until the on-screen or LED indicator says 100 percent without turning your android on.
- After 100% charge unplug your charger.
- Now turn on your phone and the battery indicator will mostly not say 100% so plug it in again and then continue charging until it says 100 percent on-screen too.
- Now unplug your android and restart it. And again If this time it doesn’t say 100 percent plug the charger back in until it says 100 percent on the screen.
- Now you will repeat the same process until you get 100% charging at both the on screen and off.
- Now let your android battery discharge and wait till it goes to zero and your phone turn off, you must have patience for this.
- Now again completely charge the android battery without any interruption.
- Thats it you are done and you have reset the Android system’s battery percentage.
#2 Method: Calibrating Android Battery With Rooted Android
- First of all you need to Root your android phone.
- Now after rooting your android download and install the app Battery Calibration.
- Now charge your android device to 100%.
- Now having your battery fully charged and keeping the charging cable plugged in, open the Battery Calibration app.
- Now grants the app super user access.
- Now in the app press the Battery Calibration button.
- Now unplug the charger now.
- Now perform one complete battery life-cycle in order to make it work properly. Let it drain completely and then charge it to 100% back.
- Thats it your are done, now your battery will perform batter than previous.
So above are the two ways for How To Calibrate Android Battery. With this you can easily boost up your android battery backup and the performance to be stable while charging and discharging. Hope you like this cool method, do share it with others too. Leave a comment below if you have any related queries with this article.
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