Monday, 7 August 2017

On page SEO optimization guide for beginner Bloggers

  WaQas DaDDo       Monday, 7 August 2017

What is the value of SEO On Page and Off Page Optimization for your Blog?

SEO On Page! By creating a blog (whether corporate , professional or just staff) the first and most important question that comes to mind is what do I write it? This Complete on page seo optimization guide for Beginner bloggers.

Almost always behind, or at very short time, the second arises naturally and Do you have doubts how to get more readers? How to improve my SEO On Page and Off Page?
You may also read on other pages about on page search engine optimization strategies.But whats the difference between other blogs & TechinDroid? Just Simply we posting easy tips.
The problem that we often find us here, is that many of us do not consciously we move on to the third question. That is, we spend almost all our energy only achieve write content of relative quality (for the target audience or the audience we target) .

What is fine. But what if readers can not easily find those items?

It is a fact that having a relative prestige offline, and / or a good social media strategy is not enough to provide the visibility they need our blogs. Even if you knew, a content can not always be easily world wide Internet ...

In all cases our posts will require the invaluable support of various search engines ( Google , Bing , etc), to be found by our potential readers. Here comes into play the SEO On Page and Off Page. What it means that we should try to position our blogs, and content in these browsers.
Example: currently my blog (with +2 years of life) has a traffic ranging about 2,000 visits a day , which gets about 65% thanks to Google. Given that more than an expert in SEO positioning on page, I'm just a self - taught, this figure seems quite interesting.

 What is On Page SEO & What is difference with Off Page SEO?

I read a post on " The Moz Blog " has given me a very good idea to explain a little more this SEO on page who do not quite understand it clearly.

"Search engines can not read a website like humans do. Therefore it is necessary to incorporate structures and tracks , in terms of he meaning and theme of our content , so they can understand it better. Together, all this optimization within our blog, helps provide the search element keyword or greater relevance , to match more easily with queries from our potential readers. "

then, not wanting to go too far out on a limb, and looking just provide a simple definition I can give you a better idea of ​​the subject, we could say that the differences are:

The On Page SEO are all actions that take place within our website or blog in order to optimize their rankings in search engines (which will be discussed below).

Instead, call OFF PAGE SEO to all actions that are performed externally to improve the presence of our website or blog on the Internet ( Linkbuilding or inbound links, link monitoring, relevance in social media, etc.).

The important On Page SEO to the success of a new blog

Not having +/- interesting traffic has frustrated many blogs, especially if we talk about those who are just starting and do not have technical notions or a good popularity can compensate for their lack of visibility online.

I do not mean both bloggers Online Marketing sector (which may possess such basic knowledge), but rather to those of you who have a blog and surely you will have heard of SEO or on page SEO, but not you know very well what is or how it is achieved.

I'm a Blogger trying to seek greater Internet visibility for my content. Because after all we live and our readers, do you know someone who continue your blog without hearing?

I tell you this that has led to research and try to improve further the subject of SEO , that is, what it is and how I can improve On Page SEO in my Blog.

In my opinion ... if you do not have great SEO knowledge, or you can hire one, the best option you have is to optimize things a bit more within your own content and blog (on page seo) .

Because what can happen out (off page seo) are furthest from your control issues and perhaps see later, when you hire a specialist or have more experience.

So the basic understanding of these techniques on page seo positioning will help us better detect signals, as to what concerns the optimization of our content and blog.

For those who are new to this blogging, these elementary notions about on page seo will be ideal to take good habits from the start and adopt them in their standard routine as bloggers or bloggers ( download template to a report ).

Mega On Page SEO Guide for new bloggers or beginners

( 22 tricks and tips to improve your SEO)

1. Election of keywords or keyword
Find or search keywords that best describe your content is one of the first steps to start this on page SEO optimization.
Please note for this choice, competition with these terms and how your potential readers will find the theme of your post. In the same way, he thinks we are not talking about a word in the literal sense, but our keyword can also be an important phrase or group of keywords.
There are free tools, and very easy to use, they can help you better choose such key terms as the planner google adwords keywords , , , etc.
A simple trick is to use the same Google as your Keyword research tool, because when you start typing a word in the search bar, before we end, the seeker own anger showing us different suggestions that can complete the sentence we are writing. Another option is to look at related searches leaving at the end of the page (why Google who better to give advice of the most relevant keywords).

2. Title of content (very important for SEO on page)
I do not want to get into a debate of who is first, chicken or the egg. But in my experience, a content with a text well optimized for on page SEO is not positioned like if your title is not well.
It is important to use our most relevant keyword in the title and left as possible. In addition, Google will not show in search results over the first 60 or 70 characters (so it is important too much on them).

3. SEO Friendly URL
The URL also describes your content to search engines. These URLs should be friendly, ie not include unnecessary symbols or numbers
SEO optimization URL Friendly

At the same time, a good URL must be accurate (but need not be very descriptive), relevant and, particularly, include your keywords. Watch out for spelling errors, to correct it a title and all so happy. But a URL corrected will make the previous stop working wherever you are.
Experts recommend personalized option without prepositions or words or things more: (this is something I have to improve a bit more in my case).

4. Title tag H1
This is the HTML title tag highest level and most websites or blog associated with the main title of the post. Search engines also pay special attention to those tags H1, ​​H2, H3 ... (Always use a single H1).

5. Labels subtitles H2, H3, H4 ...
They are a complement, not a repetition, main title (No I recommend using a H2 +, Google tides). We used to subdivide, as sub-themes, our text (do not forget to include keywords in them ) . They are helpful to readers who like to scan the content before reading.

6. Density keywords
We must add an amount of more than 4% of the total words of the post keywords. But not in any way, but the most natural way possible. " Use synonyms" Synonyms are a very good option to not fill our content repeated words or phrases.
Remember that not only write for search engines, also for people you read. A text very repetitive, or those placed with a shoehorn keyword, you will end up being bored and tired your readers ... increasing the percentage of dropouts (or rebound effect) of your blog.

7. Include keywords in the first 100 words
Search engines give more importance to the first and last paragraph of your post.

8. Consider the extent of your content
The longer is a post ( more than 800 words) best is positioned, especially for very competed keywords.
Although if you do a search on Google, you will also find in the best positions contained fewer terms. So I bet to improve my seo on page, the quality, naturalness and not repress when writing and writing ... And if you also goes +/- extensive (600+), great!

9. Meta Description
This is the text block, about 156 characters, which is next to the title of the post in the search lists. It serves to encourage your audience to click on it and read the whole article (it is an opportunity to sell).
In the case of WordPress.ORG websites and other platforms, you can use plugins that allow you to customize this meta description. Where you do not have this option (as in the case of WordPress.COM), the description of the first paragraph of your text is taken (keep that in mind and customize those first 156 characters).

10. Use multimedia content
Videos, photographs, computer graphics, presentations, etc. also are positioned on search engines , providing other ways to publicize your content.
Moreover, these contents are also used to make visually appealing your post, increase the time spent on the blog and lower the bounce rate. That is, improve SEO on your web page.

11. Optimize images
Handles files of little size or weight, preferably less than 1 mega (eg Photoshop has a feature that reduces nearly 60% of the resolution without losing quality). This will also help us load times blog.
Also optimize the URL or put a proper name to the media file, always better positions: Incorrect → 208566184.jpeg / right → sell-networks-sociales.jpeg (the name of that file should also have keywords).

12. Title and Alt Tags in images
Complementing correctly labeled Title and alt in our images, it is certainly a technique of SEO on hits to improve results. They allow search engines try to understand what these photos (if you do not, it defaults to the file name).

13. Improve the bounce
The average duration of a visit and the amount of post they read those visitors directly affect the bounce rate and on page seo . Having a very high percentage negatively influences our organic positioning.

14. Internal Links
Include internal links pointing to our other posts, traffic and lead them while transmitting them + authority, it is important among the factors that influence SEO on page (and also decreases the rebound effect of the blog).

15. The loading speed Blog
The loading speed of a website is a factor that on page SEO is very important. It is therefore necessary that our blog load fast enough, so we can get a good score on this factor.
In addition, the good upload speed also improve the reader's experience, every day people have less patience with this issue (see: How to choose a WordPress Hosting without being an expert? ).
In my case , I have moved from Hostgator to Bigrock , because increasing my traffic also increased feeding problems and falls in my old server, hurting my readers and SEO On Page and Off Page of my blog.

16. Outgoing Links
To suggest other sources of external information of relevance that complement or provide more data on the subject, indirectly improves the quality of our content (value added) .
Google recognizes these outbound links and includes among the grounds that improve your ranquin searches. A tip, better if you set these links to be opened in a new window (that way our blog always remain open in the browser).

17. Blog adapted to mobile devices
Your blog has to be adapted to different mobile devices ( Responsive ).
Currently it has become come with mobile traffic and therefore readers also demand a good user experience in these devices.
Google is aware of the importance of mobile traffic, why has included among the requirements for it in good position a blog. That is, it was not until more than a mere recommendation today is any obligation for better on page seo.

18. categories for your blog
Most platforms allow you to add websites to your blog categories to help organize your items. Sort posts by subject, and not only chronologically, provide your readers find more content to keep reading.
Sort By Categories

With a good strategy and tidy categories, you bring more traffic to other related items and you will improve bounce.

19. Submit a sitemap of your blog to Google
The sitemap (or map of a website) makes it easier for search engines the index your blog. It is said they are not very decisive when locating content, but it is advisable to create and Submit sitemaps to Google to streamline the indexing process .
You can create them yourself using a tool, or automate it with plugins, and then send it to Google through Google Webmaster Tools .

20. Post regularly
Ideally publish every day, maybe yes ... But in my personal experience in these matters, also reaches us with a minimum of 2 or 3 post a week.
By starting with the blog published 2 or 3 times a week, but (for reasons mainly time) today only write one or two articles weekly. The truth is I have not noticed a decrease in traffic, on the contrary, every day more and more people come to my blog ...
I must also be honest with you and stress that already had more than 200 articles written previously and they help make things. So maybe in this case it is to have patience and work hard and regularly to your blog.

21. Use bold and italics
Apparently Google no longer pays as much attention as before to keywords or phrases that are placed in italics or bold, although there is no consensus on that subject (some say yes and many others say they do not influence the seo on positioning a page or post).
But personally I think it is harmful not use them occasionally to highlight the importance of prayer, obviously without harming easy reading of that content.

22. Google Plus (Authorship is dead)
Friends, Google Authorship "died" ... Despite not share the decision made ​​by Google on canceling your service Authorship , which offered the possibility of having the name and picture of our profile Google Plus searches, not me it has been another option to adapt and continue.
But owning a profile Google+ is still a task that we must consider. For example, according commented Gabriel in one of his post, it is said that sharing your content on that platform you facilitate indexing of it in Google, SEO besides the great importance of "+1" . Without forgetting that is one of my favorite networks.

I hope do not be alarmed by the extent of the post, on page seo optimization techniques it is that I would love to explain almost all points of a detailed and simple way. Because a good SEO on page strategy (with over time) can influence the better positioning of all your blog, providing traffic and increasing the online visibility of your content and your brand (personal or commercial) on the Internet.

Thanks for reading On page SEO optimization guide for beginner Bloggers

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