Monday, 22 August 2016

10 Best Facebook tricks to Impress your Friends • 2016

  WaQas DaDDo       Monday, 22 August 2016
10 best Facebook tricks and tips that you may not know

Best facebook tricks to impress your friends

We all like to share on Facebook our summer moments. And, who can resist a LIKE?  So today we will summarize some of the tools offered by the platform and you will be very useful during the holidays.Checkout our list of best facebook tricks 2016.

As a result, you'll enjoy a much richer experience platform Mark Zuckerberg .

But do not you wait and show you 10 best Facebook tricks and tips that you may not know .

10 best facebook tricks 2016

Save the content to read later 

If you do not have time to read everything that appears on your wall, or if any content that you particularly like and want to keep (such as a shared summery recipe for a friend or elnuevo video of your favorite singer) you can save publications more interest you, whenever you want to see them.
best facebook tricks ever

If you click on the upper right corner of any content posted on Facebook, you will see the "option Save ".

That thou mayest publications, go to a private folder in the Favorites section , which only you can access, so you do not have to worry about your privacy.

What do you want to see on your wall

Facebook is continually renewing its features to conform to the tastes and preferences of people.

To help you prioritize content and make sure you do not miss friends publications that interest you, you can choose which pages and friends you'd like in the first place on your wall.
What do you want to see on your facebook wall

To do this, you need to click on the profile of your friend to your content will appear first, indicated with a star on the top right.

You will then find all the stories that have been sharing since your last visit to Facebook. Then you can go sliding down the mouse to see the rest of content normally.

Do not miss any event 

Subscribe to the pages of your favorite musicians or events related to your favorite bands you will not miss anything of what is happening near your city.
best facebook hacking tips and tricks
Facebook allows you to find out the latest developments to a single click on the section 'Events'.

Play with Messenger 

Perhaps this trick Facebook is a little predictable, but will be especially useful during your vacation.
best facebook tricks for mobile

And the social network allows you to play directly through Messenger .

During a conversation with your friends, you will have the opportunity to access fun games, including basketball, soccer and chess.

Connect Live 

You can take the opportunity to share live with friends  that you're living anywhere in the world from your mobile iOS or Android.
best facebook tricks 2015

To do this, just press the icon  retransmit to share content instantly.

Once the video ends, remain a publication in your biography , you can see again later.

Add a video as your profile picture 

Your profile photo can be a video of a maximum of 7 seconds, you can record with your phone or with Boomerang app, available on iOS and Android .
profile photo can be a video
Facebook profile video

What better way to show your friends how you are enjoying the summer!

Share a photo at 360 degrees

One of the best tricks of Facebook with which you triumph this summer is the panoramic pictures 360 degrees.
10 best facebook tricks 2016

To do this, you can make a panoramic picture with your phone and upload it to Facebook as any other image.

It will become a picture of 360 degrees , so your friends can explore all the details you want to display.

I hope these all cool facebook tricks are the best facebook tricks ever you read on the internet Don't forget to share this tips with your friends

Thanks for reading 10 Best Facebook tricks to Impress your Friends • 2016

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