Sunday, 21 February 2016

Top 10 Skills Required to Become a advance hacker (Inspired by Greek Hacker)

  WaQas DaDDo       Sunday, 21 February 2016

Tips to Be a Real hacker

Hellow guys! Everyone ask to how to be a hacker ? Its hard to answer everyone, its take time to say do that, learn this , don't use that and so many tips. So i m trying to Answer all question, by providing some tips which i learn from Greek Hacker's Forum. These is the list which usually ask by many user in social network.
  • Please give some tips so i can become a hacker? 
  • Learning programming laungage is enough to be a hacker?
  • Which progamming language should i learn?
  • Where to start to be a hacker?
There are so many question, but  i feel too lazy so i don't want to mention all at once. So let's go to  our tips section.

#1 Basic Computer Skills

Basic Computer Skills

You may laugh at this skill, however it is very necessary for a hacker to get strong hold on the functioning of the computer.Computer never understand human language so we have to command computer by programmin language which use functions and tricky algorithm. Also you must be able to use the command line in Windows and editing the registry and setting own networking parameters.

#2 Networking Skills

Networking Skills

Suppose you are a hacker so where  from you start hacking? Yes! internet. So your hand must be set in networking. The skills mentioned below will be really helpful for those persons wishing to become hackers as these skills will help them to understand about its functioning.
DHCP, NAT, Subnetting, IPv4, IPv6, Public v Private IP, DNS, Routers and switches, VLANs, OSI model, MAC addressing, ARP.

#3 Linux Skills

Linux Skills

No Doubt, Linux is the most favorite operating system of hackers. Almost all the tools that we use as being as a hacker are developed for Linux. It has more potential that hacker requires but are not available on Windows. That’s why hacker prefer to use Linux Operating System.

#4 Wireshark


Wireshark is open source packet analyzer and available for free. It is particularly used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development as well as in Education.

#5 Virtualization

It literally means the making of virtual version of something like operating system, server, storage device or network resources. It helps in testing the hack that is going to take place before making your hack go live and it also helps to test and revise the hacks before making it go live.

#6 Security Concepts

Security Concept

It is also vital skill in order to understand security concepts as well as technologies. Person having strong hold on security can control the barriers set by security administrators. It is also important for a hacker to learn skills like Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Firewalls and more. If you are learner in hacking, you can get most of these skills in a security course like Security +.

#7 Wireless Technologies

Wireless Technologies

Wireless Technology literally means the procedure of sending information via invisible waves in the air. Persons who wish to hack wireless devices must first understand the functioning of it. So you must learn encryption algorithm like WEP, WPA, WPA2, the four way handshake and WPS. Moreover you can also learn and understand things like protocol for connection and authentication as well as restrictions on wireless technologies.

#8 Scripting


It is considered as important skill in order to become a pro-hacker because if any hacker is using tools of other hacker, he/she will be dis-rated for using them. Also, security administrators are vigilant about the hacking attempt and they come with new tool in order to cope with hackers.

#9 Database 


Database is a structured set of data present in computer and which is accessible in numerous ways. For those hacker’s who wish to hack database, then it is necessary for them to understand the functioning of the databases. It consists of SQL Language. It is better to understand the big DBMS like Oracle, MySQL or Oracle.

#10 Web Applications

Web Applications

Web Applications is software which you use on the Internet via your Web Browser. It has been witnessed that web applications have also became a prime target of the hackers since the last few years. You will be be victorious in your task if you understand the functioning of web applications and the databases backing them. Moreover it will also help you to make your own website for the purpose of phishing or other.

We just highlighted some skills that are necessary to become a pro-hacker, also there are numerous skills that can make you pro-hacker. If you have something more to add, you are welcomed in comment section below.

Thanks for reading Top 10 Skills Required to Become a advance hacker (Inspired by Greek Hacker)

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