Saturday, 6 February 2016

How to post in all facebook groups in one click 2016?

  WaQas DaDDo       Saturday, 6 February 2016

How to post in multiple groups ?

Today i m going to share most important trick for everyone. When you want to share app referral, that time you need to make some group posts, more you posts more you earn, but posting individually in groups take long time and data.
Suppose you want to promote your facebook page, website or blog then there are two option first your make an advertisement, in minimum 500 rs or you promote your page or website in facebook groups manually. Through second option, you need to find some active groups, posting your content one by one. It will take more than one day to post in all groups.
 After reading this article you will post all content in just one click/ touch and content will be posted in all group in less than few second.

Also read : How to create your own facebook site ?

How to post in all facebook groups at once?

In this tutorial i m going to share three method:

3 steps to post in all groups image

#1: Use  Auto like site to Multiple group post:


For Android and pc user:

This trick is simplest trick, you don't need to download or buy software, the basic requirement is android phone or pc with having a compatible browser i.e chrome, firefox, or uc browser.  
You just have to login in autolike site with your access token, and leave remaining things on these sites they will done their work fine.
If you find it complex, don't worry i m here, follow me :

 Step 1: First go to,click on get access taken.

 step 2: A new tab will be open you just have to copy access token (https//;).

NOTE>> this part may be tricky because it redirect to htpps//
so copy access toke when it look like https//; 
Be faster ;)

step 3: Now back to your home page, and paste access token.

 step 4: You will see a large list of groups, select the groups or click on "select all" in which you want to share your post.

step 5: Write your post on given box, and click on post. Done!
In few second your post will be shared !  


NOTE>> please post only under 100 groups at once otherwise facebook blocked you, for joining and posting in groups.

Also read: How to invite all friends in page?

#2: Use google chrome extension for Multiple group post:

If you have an pc(laptop, desktop) then you must have google chrome now we using this to post on multiple group at once, just follow my instruction:

step 1: open your chrome browser and go to setting, at the left side you find extension setting click on it.

step 2: in extension option , scroll down you will see Get more extension click on it.

step3: A playstore type site will be open search for "Social Media Toolkit for Facebook"extension.

 step 4: click on add to chrome. when its done it will say  added to chrome.

step 5: you will se your extension now available at right side click on it.

 step 6: Now follow the action you want like multiple group post , auto friend request accept or reject, poke all friends etc.

#3: Use website Postcron to multiple group post

This site make group post in some different style. by this site you can post only those groups in which you are authority means you are admin. So this site has any advantage that you can use? yes! 
1. This site also allow you to post in multiple page also (you should be admin).
2. You can also make a post on facebook as well as socials networks like google plus , twitter too.
3. The best part of this site is, it allow you to schedule your post.
you can make you post when facebook groups gets high traffic like at 6pm to 11 pm.
4.By using this site you will never blocked because it is a proffesional posting website.

Now tutorial:
step 1: Open this site

step 2: There you will find two way to login: login with facebook and login with email. choose your desired way.// login via facebook is my recommended i m going to use this in my tutorial

step 3: Select you groups , pages or google or twitter accounts.

step 4: Write your post or add images . Now click on " post now to click at instant" or click on schedule and select date & time for posting.

These tricks are 101% working , i just tested these trick few day ago.
There are also some other method like group post via email, bus using some software but all these method are time taking or blocked by facebook, so i m no going to mention those trick in my artcile

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Thanks for reading How to post in all facebook groups in one click 2016?

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