Wednesday, 24 February 2016

How to make money by blog? Also tips for non Blogger?

  WaQas DaDDo       Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Hi friends, many of you want to earn money, having a blog or non blogger. So i try to write a post for both people, one having a website(may be low traffic) or non blogger.
There are many method for non blogger to earn money like writing a guest post to the website, writing best review for product, completing a survey and promoting product. But these methods are length and time taking process. Writing a good article take up to one day, then you earn few dollers.

But i m mentioning some of the best way that you can use to make money, before you read this article read one quote.
Never depend on single income make investment to create second source.

How to make money online for?

In our daily life when  we use facebook, whatsapp and other social network we send daily many link to our friends. For example a link of funny video, a latest song's link and other links.
There is good news that we can earn by just sharing this link to our friends.How? Suppose i want to send a link of my favorite singer's new video. So i just shrink/short the link and send to my friends. Thats all.

1. Making money by shorten URL/link

Earn money from shorten URL is one of the easiest method in which you do not require any technical skills, it is the simple method from which you can earn money online. Those persons which are don’t know  about how to make money online can use this service and can make some money through this services. It is very easy process just convert any of your URL like your links in blog, websites, Facebook, Google or other links and promote it any where you want. When anyone click on your given URL then Short URL wait for 5 seconds it will redirects toward original destination link. 

What is URL Shortening ?

In URL shortening you can convert your large URL in short URL. It is very helpful because if you want to promote any link which is very large and sometimes it become difficult for us to remember the link but with the help of URL shortener service we can convert them into short URL then we can easily copy the link. Just like we use or Google URL short service but they does even pay single penny for sharing. You have to just go and join URL shortener networks given above and take any link which you want to promote and place on the box and then click on shrink it will shrink or convert your large link into short URL which you can promote further. 

Best URL Shortener Networks To Earn Money

#1 is new URL shortening company and It will give you u pto 14$ per 1000 views (Maximum CPM ever provided by any url shorter) for promoting Shorten URL and the minimum cash out is 5$. If your are not satisfy with payout then you can earn money from referral system It will gives you 20% commissions on referrals. is a user friendly and you can securely get your payment through Paypal and Payoneer. It has a good payout rates and it is a good shortening company for URL shorten. Beside this have also affiliate programs It gives you great ads format and you can promote on your blog or website. 

Positive points:

  • High CPM of 14$
  • User Friendly 
  • Not bulk of ads in your link
  • Mobile friendly 
  •  Referral program: 20% commissions for life time
  • Attractive Referral banner for website/blogger
  • Useful for blogger or non blogger
  • You can off Pop-Up ads
  • Mass shrinker 


Adfly is old and one of the best trusted company which is pays on time. You can get approx  $5-10$ per 1000 views by promoting your shorten URL. The main thing i like Adfly is that the minimum payout is $5 which is best than other companies. It is a trusted company and you can get your payment through Paypal. Most of the persons use Adfly because it is an old and legal, trusted company and which takes best care of their customers.

Positive points:

  • Trusted networks
  • High CPM
  • Referrals program: 20% commission for life time
  • Attractive Java script banner for website/blog
  • Easy to use
  • Deep statics detail of your individual Shorten links
  • Statics reports for Pop-ups

Negative points:

  • Blocked in India
  • Non mobile friendly 
  • Account blocked problems

#3 Linkshrink.Net

Linkshrink pays 2$ to 5$ and the minimum payout is 5$. Through referral system you can get 10% commission from your referral. It is the best and innovative company which pays good rates to their customers. You can register free and earn money to share your links on internet.

Positive points:

  • Detailed statics
  • 20% commissions of referral you made

Negative points:

  • Lots of Ads:  Linkshrink fill your blog/link with lots of Pop-up.
  • Redirection to play store

#4 CoinURL

CoinURL is another URL shortening service with other different ad format like banner ads and interstitial ads. Basically CoinURL is for webmasters or blogger who want to user money from they site or blog. This service is complete set of all those features which gives you money for promoting short urls. CoinURL is one of the famous network. There refer program is best as compare to other networks.

Sign up NOW

2: How to make money for non blogger?

There is another method which you can use to make extra income. You have to click on ads, there are many site which provide a direct relation b/t advertiser and people. For every click you made on ads you will earn few dollers that will not enough but in few month you will be able to earn enough to transfer that money to your bank account.


First signup to Neobux, Once you sign up, Start  Clicking and viewing your ads every day at a fixed time. You will get around 48 Ads every day and each Ad pays 0.001. Reach $1 by clicking on your own ads. 
 1.You can create only one neobux account using one IP address.
  2.Before you create a account in Neobux, you need a Paypal Account.


Thanks for reading How to make money by blog? Also tips for non Blogger?

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