This tutorial is all about facebook phishing. The only best known way to hack facaebook account is Phishing because it is so simple, easy and 100 % working.

What we need :
1. A web hosting site (domain).2. facebook script.
3. And skills to force your victim to login in you site.
Step 1: First you must need an account for a free webhosting service like, 000webhost,com or You can also get your own free domain at
Step 2: Go to your webhost and choose any name for your site like
Step 3 : Now login to your account and go to CONTROL PANEL >> SITE MANAGEMENT >> FILE MANAGER>> HTDOCS OR C_HTML and delete all data from folder.
Note >> The above step followed by . For different webhost site path can be different use your brain.
If you are beginner then try it is simple to use.
Step 4: Downloads this zip file and extract.
Step 5: Now uploads three files (index.html, login.php and log.txt ) that you download in step 4.
Done ! you have your own phishing site. Now sent your phishing link (your site name) to your victim and force him to login.
Note >> Go to your webhost to see email and password of your victim. Your log.txt contain email and password.
Use link shorter to short your phishing link.
Click here to download :Phishing script
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