Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Difference Between SEO And SEM

  WaQas DaDDo       Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A common question we get is “what’s the difference between search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM)”? The terms are often used interchangeably, so it can be confusing! Here's an infographic of the terms to make it easier to visualize

Best Seo Tips

SEO and SEM Defined

SEO is the first thing you do and the process occurs entirely on your own website. In contrast, SEM is the last stage and this happens entirely on other websites.

SEO begins with selecting which keywords you want to show up in search results on search engines like Google. Quality content is developed and published on your website with these keywords in the various parts of your page

Title of your page

SEM occurs after publishing the SEO content and is on 3rd party websites. Whether you pay for links or create your own, the content can be in the form of:

Guest blogs
Press releases
Twitter Tweets
Directory listings
Google +1′s
Google Adwords
Other search engine text ads

Thanks for reading Difference Between SEO And SEM


  1. The same confusion I had in my mind taking both terms but your source is really authentic because when I verified it,it proved really valid and I learnt many new things here.

  2. I have worked in both fields and its really different than any other technical field.I would like to share an SEO and SEM great site where you can get value tips.You can really get help from this.

  3. I want to become SEO professional and I really liked this post because my job is to improve seo of and I am so worried but thanks a lot your shared in detail about this.

  4. The difference is in submission of the tactics for my blog because when I use those techniques, these can make difference in ranking of my site and the traffic I am looking for.

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